Oral conscious sedation explained by dentist at Ballarat Dental Care in Ballarat: Oral conscious sedation at our dental clinic in Ballarat is a dental procedure involving the administration of oral sedative drugs by the dentist.
Most common oral conscious sedations usually are in the form of anti-anxiety pills also known as happy pills in the dental world is prescribed by the dentist for relieving anxiety in the hours immediately before a dental treatment.
Dentists at our dental clinic in Ballarat use this method to facilitate a dental procedure and reduce patients fear and anxiety related to their dental treatments.
Taking anti-anxiety or a sleeping pill before the night of the appointment or taking it before going to bed can help with falling asleep and getting some rest.
Depending on the total dose given by the dentist, dental oral sedation can range from minimal to moderate. For minimal dental oral sedation, you take a pill. The pill will make you drowsy, although you will still be awake. A larger dose may be given by the dentist to produce moderate sedation.
Drugs which are used for dental oral sedation by the dentist include diazepam, triazolam, zaleplon, lorazepam, and hydroxyzine.
If you need any dental treatments done at our Ballarat Dental Care in Ballarat, Please advise our dentists that you need dental treatment done using oral conscious sedation and the dentists at Ballarat will be happy to provide you with dental oral conscious sedation for your next dental treatments at our dental clinic in Ballarat.
Oral Conscious Sedation| Dentist in Ballarat | Ballarat Dental Care